Other Fun Stuff I've Done
Public Talks & Features
Career Profile: Astronomer to Communications and Stewardship Writer
Astronomy Enthusiasts of Lancaster Meeting
Night Skies at the Franklin Institute
500 Women Scientists Philly Pod Meeting
500 Women Scientists #MeetAScientist Interview
Women in STEM Podcast - Lancaster Online
Societies and Boards
2019: American Helicopter Museum Board of Trustees, Education Chair
2019:American Astronomical Society, Educational Member
2018-present: Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy, Board Member
2017-present: 500 Women Scientists Philly Pod, Advocacy Director
2016-present: Caln Township Parks and Recs Board, President
2016: International Planetarium Society
2016-2017:Mid-Atlantic Planetarium Society
2013: Frank Porter Graham Honor Society, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
2010, 2019: American Astronomical Society - Junior Member
2004: Sigma Pi Sigma
2004: Alpha Phi Omega
Fellowships and Grants
2019: Grant, The Science for the Public Good Fund, Union of Concerned Scientists
2016: Fellowship, AAAS Mass Media Fellowship, Voice of America, Washington, D.C.
2011-2013: Fellowship, GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
2011: Grant, NC Space Grant Research Fellowship
2010: Fellowship, GAANN: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
2010: Grant, Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2010: Grant, Pre-dissertation Travel Award, Center for Global Initiatives, UNC-Chapel Hill
2016: Award, AIP Science Communication Awards, Discovering New Horizons,Nominated
2004: Award, Honors in Physics B.S., Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA
2000: Girl Scout Gold Award
2000: Girl Scout Silver Trefoil Award
Mar 3, 2019: Workshop, 500 Women Scientists Mid-Atlantic Regional Policy Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, Organized and planned a workshop to write policy one-pagers and teach women scientists how to meet with legislators.
Nov 17, 2018: Workshop, Telescope Workshop, American Helicopter Museum, West Chester, PA, Developed and ran workshop for 9-12 year olds. They learn how telescopes work, how Galileo used one to prove the heliocentric model, then used Galileoscopes to look at the Moon and Mars.
Apr-May 2018: Workshop, From Pinholes to Space Telescopes, Astronomy Society of the Pacific, Recieved training on teaching how lenses and light work to people of all ages.
Mar 30, 2018: Workshop, Telescope Workshop, American Helicopter Museum, West Chester, PA, Developed and ran workshop for 7-12 year olds. They learn how telescopes work and build one of their own.
2013-2015: Workshop, Science Communication Workshop, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences ,Raleigh, NC
Mar 21 2015: Workshop, ComSciCon Research Triangle Workshop, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC
Mar 7 2015: Workshop, ComSciCon Research Triangle Workshop, Archie K. Davis Conference Center, Raleigh, NC
Jan 4-5 2014: Workshop, American Astronomical Society Astronomy Ambassadors Program, Washington, D.C.
2013: Workshop, How to Be an Effective Mentor, The Graduate School, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Jun 12-14 2010: Workshop, Penn State University, State College, PA, Supplement on Statistics and Computation for Astronomical Surveys
Jun 7-12 2010: Workshop, Penn State University, State College, PA, Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers VI
Jan 2014: Poster presentation, American Astronomical Society Meeting 223, Washington, D.C., Preliminary Results from CINDERS: Circularized IFUs Now Deployed using Economical Robots on SOAR
Jan 2010: Poster presentation, American Astronomical Society Meeting 215, Washington, D.C., Tracing the Outer Optical Disk of Sculptor Group Spiral NGC 7793
2009-2012: Participant, Adopt-A-Physicist, American Physical Society
Public Talks and Panels
Mar 9, 2019: Talk, Discovering Dark Matter, Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA
Mar 25, 2018: Talk, Science Salon, 6 Feet Under Gastro Pub, Philadelphia, PA, Gave a talk about Arecibo to raise money for CienciaPR.
Mar 6, 2018: Talk/Panel, Night Skies, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA, Spoke about why I do science communication.
Sept 28, 2017: Poster, Start Talking Science, Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA
April 13, 2016: Podcast, Women in Stem, Lancaster Online, Lancaster, PA
Apr 23, 2015: Talk, Daily Planet, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC, Where Galaxies Live and How That Affects Star Birth
Mar 15, 2015: Talk, Daily Planet, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC, Two 1 minute talks, one on my research, the other on why stars in two colliding galaxies will not run into each other
Jan 20, 2015: Talk, Daily Planet, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC, Where Galaxies Live and How That Affects Star Birth
Jan 17, 2015: Panel, APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, Being a Successful Graduate Student Panel
Jan 17, 2015: Panel, APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, Work/Life Balance Panel
Mentoring and Outreach
Nov 2017-present: Educational Mentor, Girls in Science and Technology, American Helicopter Museum, West Chester, PA, Program for girls interested in science in grades 3-9. I work with the 4th graders in the Space course.
Sep 2014 - May 2016: Mentoring, Two undergraduate students taking deep photometric images of Southern Compact Group galaxies using the PROMPT array.
2013 - 2014: Mentoring, An undergraduate student taking deep photometric images of Southern Compact Group galaxies using the PROMPT array.
Jan 24-25 2015: Outreach, Astronomy Days, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC, Presented Astronomy related demos to people of all ages.
Jan 25-26 2014: Outreach, Astronomy Days, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC, Presented Astronomy related demos to people of all ages.
Jul 2013: Outreach, Educational Research in Radio Astronomy, NRAO, Greenbank, WVA, Coordinator. Oversaw student projects.
Jul 2012: Outreach, Educational Research in Radio Astronomy, NRAO, Greenbank, WVA, Coordinator. Oversaw student projects.
Apr 2012: Outreach, Presenter, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Perform physics related experiments in front of elementary aged students at Creedmoor and Creekside Elementary Schools and at our department's Physics Demo show for middle school aged kids. Also, presented physics demos at the Marjorie Lee Brown Day held at NCCU for middle school aged girls.
2011 - 2012, Mentoring, Pre-graduate Adviser, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Pre-graduate adviser to graduating seniors interested in applying to graduate school.
University Service
Jan-Aug 2015: AAAS Emerging Leaders in Science and Society, Liaison, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Charged with bringing the program to UNC. Obtained contractual support from the Provost and Dean of the Graduate School. Held information sessions to recruit fellows. Meet with potential ELISS advisory committee members from UNC-CH and the Chapel Hill community at large.
2014-2015: Frank Porter Graham Honor Society, Treasurer, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Disbursing funds.
2013-2014: Graduate and Professional Student Federation, Secretary, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, In charge of Newsletter, website, social media and taking notes at Senate, Cabinet and Exec board meetings. Garnered and presented information to advocate for another increase to the minimum RA/TA stipend. A summary can be found here as well as the full report.
2013-2014: Student Advocates for Graduate Education, Communications Director, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, In charge of Newsletter, website and social media.
2013-2014: Graduate Student Association, President, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Advocated for a more diverse and accepting department. Focused on recruitment and retention of graduate students.
2013-2014: Carolina Union Board of Directors, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Advisory Board to the Carolina Student Union.
2012-2013: Graduate and Professional Student Federation, Treasurer, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, In charge of dispersing GPSF funds according to Treasury Laws and creating the following year's budget. Advocated for and obtained increases to the minimum RA/TA stipend.
2012-2014: Student Advocates for Graduate Education, Delegate, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Represent UNC-CH on the Hill in Washington, D.C. to advocate for immigration, federal research funding and student debt policies that benefit graduate students at AAU institutions.
2012-2013: Graduate Student Association, Vice-President, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Advocated for stipend increases and to de-couple RA and TA stipends.
2012-2014: Student Fee Audit Committee, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Committee in charge of auditing all requests for student fee increases.
2012-2013: Student Fee Advisory Subcommittee, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Subcommittee to the Tuition and Fees Advisory Taskforce. Recommends fee increases to the Taskforce.
Mar 2013: Graduate Student Association, Prospective Liaison, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Organized prospective weekend activities for potential graduate students.
2011-2012: Graduate and Professional Student Federation, Senator, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Represented the Physics and Astronomy Department at Senate meetings.
2011-2012: Graduate and Professional Student Federation, Finance Committee, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Committee to approve GPSF budget for the following year.
2011-2012: Graduate Student Association, Social Chair, UNC-CH Physics, Chapel Hill, NC, Organized social events for current graduate students.
2005-2007: College of Science and Engineering Student Advisory Board, SFSU Physics, San Francisco, CA, Graduate Physics Department representative.